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Colonial Revival 2


Colonial Revival 1


colonial revival 10


Colonial Revival 4


Colonial Revival 5


colonial revival 7


colonial revival 8



Interior Renovations to an Early 20th Century Colonial Revival


This magnificent early 20th century colonial revival house has a lovely large lot in a prime location in the downtown area, and has a water view from many of the rooms. 

As many of our clients do, the new owners asked us to look at the house with them before they purchased it.  They were concerned that it might not be possible to create a large, sunny kitchen/family room. 

Like so many older houses it had large gracious rooms at the front of the house, but multiple small dark spaces behind the dining room; a pantry, kitchen, laundry, bath, “maid’s dining room”, butler’s area, etc. 


In the front entry hall we covered some inappropriately rustic ceiling beams with finished trim and crown mouldings.  This theme was carried into the living room, where we also eliminated scalloped trim and introduced more formal casework while maintaining the original beveled glass fireplace mirror. 



We reassured the clients that we could save the wonderful old butler’s pantry and combine the other spaces to provide room for a large kitchen and family seating area.



As we did this, we also created a mud room that connects to the side yard and permits circulation to the living room as well.

Heavily detailed white coffers define the spaces and are emphasized with a slightly lighter version of the wall color painted on the ceiling.  A breakfast area is framed by windows and a family “nerve center” (desk with cupboards and a bulletin board), is located adjacent to the backdoor.

The “service stairs” were straightened and a dark stair well was opened to the kitchen area.  The stairs provide a nice break between the kitchen and family room as well as easy access to the children’s bedrooms above.

Priceless period wallpaper in the dining room was restored and increased crown molding and chair rails covered the edges that were hopelessly discolored or frayed and the floors were restored to their former luster.

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